Ping a Remote IP/Port on Windows

Pinging an IP is quite easy, just open the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell and run the following command:
ping <IP> like ping

However, pinging a port is not straightforward. We need to have telnet feature installed on Windows.

To see if telnet is installed or not, run the telnet command in Command Prompt as shown below:

If telnet is not installed then it will show the above error message.

It it is installed then it will show the screen like this one:

Install telnet if it is not already installed by following the steps mentioned in the below screenshots:

After installing the telnet, close and re-open the Command Prompt or PowerShell window and run the following command:
telnet <IP> <Port> like telnet 6662
Note: There is a space between IP and Port.

If ping was successful then something similar will be shown:

If ping was unsuccessful (due to various reasons) then something like below will be shown: